Saturday, January 27, 2007

thought for the day

love is a bit like food poisoning. you can die of it it but more usually it just hurts like hell for a while then goes away.

there can be a lot of crap to clear up afterwards.

sweet dreams.


Nava said...

Sounds like you got into a very optimistic mood today?...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like there's a story behind that comment...

My advice: Avoid shellfish.

Patrick Ellis said...

hi nava, clouds passing. and you?

hey anonymous, who's u? i am grateful 4 the shellfish guidance. talk to me. my good friend nava has no qualms in this respect.

harpwales him speak his mind

Nava said...

Hope the clouds have passed and the rays of sun are coming through.

Plainbellied said...

I'm anonymous: plainbellied. I must have posted that without realizing I wasn't signed in...