very tricky issue our monarchy. and everyone in the uk will have their own take. for some it's a piece of very expensive history, for others its an intolerabe affront to their rights as individuals. for most its a bit of colour on the tele at which they can direct their affection/spleen when there's no footy.
personally i think the succession will be interesting. eii has been on the thrown for a long time. half a century in fact. and a particular half century that has seen big changes in the UK's relationship with the rest of the world. my hope is that when she does finally throw in the towel we'll see a reduction in the sovereign's role. hopefully william will keep a lower profile and be more business-like and less prone to donning the ceremonial frocks and the big hats. altho there is a quite a tradition of the latter here.
cf elton john.we could of course cut her head off. (the queen that is) (er ... i mean ... the one in buckingham palace to be precise) we've done it before and that kind of brought home to her ancestors (except one) that they worked for us, rather than the other way round. but if we did that we'd have to restructure our whole system of government to prevent the likes of oleaginous little tone slithering to the very top and declaring himself god. now that
would be expensive. and very risky.
the power and the money? can't argue with that. i don't have them either. but would you do the job? i sure as hell wouldn't.
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